

FRAGE introduces a new philosophy of balanced, sustainable development to each destination, creating an innovative new field that will work interactively and bi-directionally, through holistic development perspectives to upgrade living standards and strengthen the local community.


In the ever-changing tourism landscape, new alternative forms of tourism are gaining more and more interest from travellers seeking the thrill of new experiences. Wine tourism, agritourism, culinary, educational, conference, sports, urban tourism, and adventure tourism are just some of the forms that attract contemporary visitors, and that is where we focus our attention.


Countries like Greece, with a rich natural environment, temperate climate, diverse cultural attractions, culinary traditions, as well as great agricultural development, are at the epicenter of promoting such special forms of tourism.


FRAGE studies, investigates, and "uncovers" the development possibilities of existing forms of tourism, the possibilities of developing new special forms, by utilizing the natural wealth, the unique geographical location, the initiatives of human resources, and the effectiveness of the synergy of all parties involved, and comprehensively plans the course and development of the touristic area over time, with the aim of the destination acquiring a sustainable "extroversion".